(In this blog, I back up and describe more in depth the interview process for a job in Shanghai and[…]
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People Disappear
Reminiscing ten years later about moving to Shanghai which would inform and impact my life from that time forward –[…]
Read moreSongjiang High School #2 – My New Home! (looking back 10 years later)
(In the last installment, I had just arrived in Shanghai at my apartment on campus where I met[…]
Read moreShanghai Here I Am! (or recollecting arriving in Shanghai 10 Years On!)
The guard station within the Songjiang school walls. (In my last installment I had just arrived in Shanghai.) The moment[…]
Read moreShaking Shanghai – An Introduction (or How I accidentally started a record label).
After a long stint in Shanghai, China with a tiptoe into Saudi Arabia and Egypt, I returned to America and[…]
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